Monday, April 26, 2010

Let Go

Just as the bird has to find the courage to let go of the branch in order to fly, so we also must let go of our branches if we are to know the exhilaration of soaring to the highest potential of our life.
The branches we hold to are our inner attachments - our beliefs, ideas and memories. And then there are the outer attachments - people, possessions, positions and privileges are a few.

But as long as we hold on to them we will live in fear (of letting go and loss) and we will never be free. And just watch those birds, by letting go of one branch they are able to spend the rest of their life alighting on a million other branches, and they enjoy the view from each :-))

H.H. Sri Sri Ravishankar Ji

Friday, April 23, 2010

Tears of Gratitude

When your heart opens up tears come, its natural. Let it be. It is said in scriptures that tears of love are so precious that even angels run to collect them. Even on heaven, there are no tears of love. The most wonderful thing on the planet is to have tears of love, tears of gratitude. That indicates that our life is glorious. That makes our life rich and fulfilled. Fulfillment is when you have tears of gratitude and that comes by luck. You can't manufacture tears of gratitude.You can't put glicerin and have tears of gratitude coming in. When you realize what all you have received in life, your heart opens up.

H.H. Sri Sri Ravishankar Ji